Ireland must lead demands to end ‘fortress Europe policies’

PBP Galway call on Government to use influence within EU to ‘allow safe passage for refugees to claim asylum’

The only way to prevent the loss of life witnessed recently in the English Channel is through ending the “brutal fortress Europe policies” - a role Ireland should take the lead on.

This is the view of People Before Profit Galway representative, Adrian Curran, who was speaking following the loss of more than 30 lives when refugees were trying to cross the English Channel.

“The news garnered widespread media attention as the biggest loss of life in a single incident,” said Mr Curran, “but incidents like this are a common occurrence in the channel and the Mediterranean as people desperately try to reach Europe.”


While British and EU governments have blamed traffickers for the deaths of refugees at sea, Mr Curran said refugees and migrants would not need to resort to traffickers “if there was safe passage into Europe”.

“Refugees are travelling through often dangerous situations in search of a better life,” he said. “Many are fleeing violent conflict in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Instead of helping refugees by providing safe passage, European governments have put up more and more barriers.


“In stark contrast to the free travel within the EU, heavily guarded fences and walls are now the dominant feature of European external borders from Spain to Poland, forcing people into desperate situations to try and cross.”

Meanwhile, volunteers who attempt to help refugees, and prevent deaths at sea, run the risk of being charged with criminal activity. Irish volunteer Sean Binder is currently on trial in Greece for carrying out voluntary work in support of refugees crossing from Turkey. PBP Galway has called on the Government to “use its influence” in the EU to call for all charges to be dropped against Mr Binder.


As well as this, PBP Galway is calling on the Government to demand an end to” the brutal fortress Europe policies of walls and barriers”.

“Refugees have a legal right to seek asylum in any country,” said Mr Curran [pictured above]. “Allow safe passage for refugees to claim asylum so that the needless deaths will stop at sea and on land. Ireland should also do more by taking in more refugees and allowing them to settle and make a life here.”


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