Cocaine affecting every village and town in this country, JPC meeting is told

Cocaine with a street value of €538,838 was seized by gardaí in Galway in the first nine months of this year, the city council Joint Policing Committee was told on Monday.

Highlighting the increasing figures Cllr Donal Lyons said he was concerned regarding the drugs side of the report, while Cllr Eddie Hoare said that the drug division needs to be commended.

“What other measures might be taken as this class A drug is a massive scourge on society.”

Cllr Alan Cheevers commented on the problem too. “I have serious concerns about the cocaine situation in Galway city, it has certainly escalated. What are we trying to do education wise in relation to schools and colleges to raise awareness about the dangers of cocaine,” Cllr Cheevers asked.

Chief Superintendent Tom Curley also spoke at the meeting acknowledging the worrying trend. “Definitely it is a concern, the increase in seizures of drugs, especially cocaine,” he said.

“We only seize roughly 10 per cent of what is being used so it is frightening to say the least what is out there. It is affecting every village and town in this country.”


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