Hyperbaric oxygenation for better health

Brian Lynch, a Galway based solicitor at Brian Lynch and Associates solicitors who successfully used hyperbaric oxygenation to recover from a serious sports accident, said: “I took OxyGeneration to Galway as a result. Watch out for a lot of current standard medical procedures being made redundant and superseded by hyperbaric oxygenation because it will be the patients who decide."

"My involvement has nonetheless been a gratifying experience because I saw so many people at OxyGeneration recover from long term medical conditions.

"The Tel Aviv School of Neuroscience has stated: 'Hyperbaric oxygenation helps injured tissue recovery no matter where in the body or whatever was the cause.' It is valuable to know that at OxyGeneration 32 per cent of clients are referred due to neurological disorders.

"Alleviating the need for standard of care surgery is a big trend. What is tipping the balance is that patients with inflammatory bowel disease who are told they need bowel surgery or intestine surgery are unlikely to give a valid informed consent if told about the best clinical evidence available about hyperbaric oxygenation in a balanced way. Is it only a matter of time that current standard drug treatments such as TNF alpha immune suppressants and gastro surgery will be made redundant by patients?

"The big question now being asked is how quickly and how many of the seven thousand specialist consultants in Europe primarily treating inflammatory bowel disease or neurology are facing redundancy? In addition many limb amputations, heart, urology, brain, and plastic surgery operations will also become redundant and superseded by hyperbaric oxygenation. Again balanced disclosure by the medical community will tip the balance when patients make the decisions."

For more information call 091 394444 or visit www.oxygeneration.com


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