Top city salon Shelly’s glams up

The glamorous fashionistas of Galway queued up at The Dail bar last Wednesday to avail of free manicures and discounted treatment vouchers, all courtesy of Shelly’s Health and Beauty, Abbeygate Street.

The evening designed as a mid-week treat also included juicy cocktail specials to add to the indulgence.

Shelly’s has been established for eight years and is easily one of the city’s finest salons. Oferring a wide and exclusive range of treatments from ipl treatments(skin rejuvenation, thread vein and permanent hair reduction ) to nail grooming.

Shelly’s joined forces with The Dail in March to create special monthly events. The aim was for people to take something away from the events, be it beautiful nails or 20 per cent discount cards for all those who attended.

Check with Shelly’s or The Dail Bar for when the next event is planned. The Dail bar is open for food from 12 to 9pm Monday to Friday with a late bar Wednesday to Sunday. For bookings and enquiries phone 091 563 777, or to make an appointment at Shelly’s phone 091 568 995


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