Galway Community Café - a safe space to talk about mental health

Café is staffed by a team with lived experience of mental health journeys and using mental health services

Galway Community Café is a free out-of-hours adult mental health service designed, and run, by people with lived experience of mental health challenges, and there to support others on their mental health journeys.

The café provides a safe, non-judgemental place for people to come and have a chat with a trained member of staff. The café is staffed by a team who have lived experience of their own mental health journeys and using mental health services; and can provide peer support or signposting for those who may be experiencing emotional distress.

The café is a safe, confidential, open space which supports people at any stage of their mental health journey. It is free for people to get in touch with. Due to Covid-19 guidelines, the service is currently operating on an appointment basis, offering in person, phone calls and video calls.

The café is open Thursdays to Sundays from 6.30pm to 11.30pm. Those wishing to have a chat or learn more about the café can book through or by calling 087 - 1085134. See also Facebook/Instagram (@GalwayCommunityCafe ) and Twitter (@CommunityGalway ).


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