Support survivor Robbie’s walk from Galway to Cork

Robert O’Leary is a Kinsale native, who after 30 years of service in Eli Lilly was looking forward to his retirement and further pursuing his love of GAA and walking.

However, he was struck by illness in August 2015 when he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer, but overcame it, due to a timely intervention by his GP and weekly treatments of chemotherapy, steroids, bone strengthener, and stem cell transplant at Dunmanway Day Unit, Hematology at Cork University, the Stem Cell Unit at University Hospital Galway, all followed by 28 days isolation at ward 2D in CUH.

Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow and thankfully, Robert’s cancer is now in remission. Having seen first hand, the caring and wonderful work carried out by all, now almost six years on, Robert plans to do a virtual walk from University Hospital Galway to Cork University Hospital, during the month of July, replicating his previous journey of 188Km.

He is doing this to raise much needed funds for Hematology at Cork University Hospital, and Stem Cell Transplant Unit at University Hospital Galway.

He said that although Multiple Myeloma Cancer was uncurable at this time, he considers himself so lucky. His cancer was manageable, and his treatments went well. With continuous maintenance and monitoring at C.U.H. He can now live a full and active life

Robert is appealing to all to to donate and to virtually join him on his journey to raise funds for two very worthy causes. To donate and find out more go to


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