RSA launches Register of Approved Driving Instructors

From May 1 learner drivers paying for driving lessons should only be using an approved driving instructor who registered with the Road Safety Authority.

That’s the RSA’s message to learner drivers following the introduction of new laws which, for the first time, regulate driving instructors in Ireland. Learner drivers looking for their nearest approved driving instructor can visit or or to download the list of full permit holding approved driving instructors.

Commenting on the introduction of the new ADI regulations Mr Noel Brett, CEO of the Road Safety Authority said: “Finally after decades of demand for national regulation of the driving instruction industry I am delighted the RSA will finally launch the register of approved driving instructors from May 1. This heralds a new era in driving instruction and road safety in Ireland as regulation will guarantee the quality and skills of those teaching new drivers across the country.

“If you want to pass your driving test make sure your instructor has passed all of ours. So, if booking lessons with an instructor ask if he or she is a full permit holding approved driving instructor and ask to see their official RSA ADI badge. Only driving instructors who meet the standard set by the Road Safety Authority can become approved driving instructors.”

Mr Brett also said that “regulating the driving instruction industry is a crucial building block in our work to make the roads safer”.

“The quality of driving instruction in Ireland impacts directly on road safety and it is essential for a credible driving instruction industry that every instructor meets a minimum standard in terms of his/her ability to deliver instruction. I see ADIs as a key partner in improving safety on Irish roads,” concluded Mr Brett.

There are three parts to the ADI examination process; an extended driver theory test, an extended practical driving test, and an ‘ability to instruct test’. Once a driving instructor has passed all of these stages he/she will have comprehensive and unmatched knowledge of both the rules of safe driving and how best to teach them to learner drivers.

ADI drivers must also show they are tax compliant and be able to provide a tax clearance certificate. All ADIs have been through the Garda vetting process and this provides an added layer of protection for young learner drivers.

The regulation process applies to individual instructors and not to driving schools.


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