Naughton welcomes jobs boost as An Spidéal-based Aran Biomedica announce 150 posts

150 new high-skill jobs in the Galway Gaeltacht have been announced today by An Spidéal-based Aran Biomedical, a leading biomaterials manufacturer in the medical device sector.

An Údarás na Gaeltachta client company, Aran Biomedical, specialises in the custom design, development and manufacturing of medical implants and in response to growing business demand has revealed plans to increase its workforce by 150 over 3 years with the creation of highly skilled jobs in Production, Engineering, Quality and Supply Chain Management.

In addition, the company is planning to treble its manufacturing capacity with the establishment of a new facility in An Spidéal, Co. Galway and it is anticipated that this development will be completed on a phase-by-phase basis, with full completion estimated by mid-2025.

Aran Biomedical (formerly Proxy Biomedical ) has been located in An Spidéal since 2008 with the support of Údarás na Gaeltachta and has continued to provide highly skilled employment in the Conamara Gaeltacht for the past 13 years. Through continuous innovation Aran Biomedical has developed a niche biomaterial product and the tireless efforts of the company and its employees has seen exponential development and expansion supporting over 120 jobs currently.

Welcoming the announcement, local TD and Minister for State at the Department of Transport, Hildegarde Naughton, said this is excellent news for the Connemara Gealtacht.

"Fine Gael in Government have made a conscious effort to expand job creation beyond urban settings in recent years. However, our Gealtacht areas have historically been a victim of population decline and today’s announcement is a positive step in addressing that problem”, the Galway Minister of State said.

“Údarás na Gaeltachta are to be commended in supporting the growth of Aran Biomedical. It shows that the med-tech industry is not confined to traditional assumptions of location and that employment can be supported in Gaeltacht areas just as well as anywhere else. This is a very positive development. While the 150 jobs to be created are highly significant in themselves, they, and Aran Biomedical, will also contribute hugely to the wider local economy in the years ahead. It is a vote of confidence in the Connemara Gealtacht and it’s future,”concluded Minister of State Naughton.


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