Oranmore rail line is ‘an accident waiting to happen’ says Kilroe

Residents living close to the “unguarded and un-signalled” railway line at Mountain West, Derrydonnell, Oranmore, are at serious risk due to the lack of safety measures on the track.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil Oranmore candidate, Dolores Kilroe, who said she was “shocked to discover” that a proper signalling system is not in place at the highly dangerous location.

“There are at least 30 households at either side of the track and yet there are no safety measures in place at Mountain West,” said Ms Kilroe. “There are no lights or barriers to indicate when a train is approaching, which poses a serious risk for people in the locality.”

She also said there are three bad bends in the road approaching the track and two steel gates on either side are left untied and swing constantly in the wind.

Ms Kilroe has contacted director of services at the Galway County Council, John Morgan, and Iarnród Éireann in order to rectify the situation.


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