Farmers fear weanling trade will 'take a dive' due to Level 5 restrictions

Roscommon-Galway TD Michael Fitzmaurice calls on Government to revise Covid 19 restrictions on livestock sales

Farmers in the west of Ireland are concerned that the weanling trade will "take a dive" as a result of Level 5 restrictions, which will prevent buyers from being allowed around the ring at marts.

This is the view of Independent Roscommon-Galway TD Michael Fitzmaurice, who has called on the Government to revise the Covid 19 restrictions in place for livestock sales.

Dep Fitzmaurice said he had spoken to numerous mart managers and farmers since Level 5 was announced, and that the general mood was one of anxiety. “These restrictions could not have come at a worse time for farmers with weanlings to sell," he said. "In a week where trade around mart rings should be on the up, Level 5 has poured cold water over that."


The Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalogue, has said that online sales will still be allowed. However, Dep Fitzmaurice said this was "hardly a fair trade off".

"While the online factor is beneficial to trade in a mart, it cannot replace buyers around the ring," he said, "and since Covid reared its head earlier this year, I have been inundated with people frustrated with below par broadband services – mart managers included."

'We cannot allow Level 5 restrictions decimate the trade for livestock in marts'

He also said that, while it has been clarified that viewing periods will be allowed, "it doesn’t make things easier for older farmers, unaccustomed to dealing with technology and online bidding".


Dep Fitzmaurice noted that, prior to the introduction of Level 5, livestock marts were "operating very stringent measures", with only buyers allowed around the ring, social distancing being adhered to, and masks being worn consistently.

“Why this cannot be allowed to continue is beyond me. Farmers who have cattle or sheep to sell at this time of year need to be able to get the best price possible," he said. "We cannot allow Level 5 restrictions decimate the trade for livestock in marts."


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