Primary Care Centre for Moycullen will be operational in sixteen months

Construction work is under way on site for a Primary Care Centre (PCC ) for Moycullen with the facility to become operational in January 2022.

This week’s Regional Health Forum was told that an Agreement for Lease (AFL ) is in place for the new Primary Care Centre (PCC ) in the village.

Construction work is now underway on site on the substructures and it is anticipated that the new PCC will be completed in Q4 2021 and become operational in January 2022.

The information was given in response to a request from Cllr Daitho O Cualain for update with regards to the progress that is being made in relation to the Primary Care Centres for Knocknacarra, Moycullen and Spiddal? He also asked if there any plans to progress a Primary Care Centre in the Casla/Carraroe or Lettermore area in South Connemara and if not, why not?

The Forum was told that as opposed to developing a Primary Care Centre in Knocknacarra it was decided to service all the needs within the West of Galway City area via one large primary care centre development.

Estates section in Saolta have progressed this and following an expression of interest process a suitable site in the vicinity of University Hospital Galway has been identified and draft plans have been developed.

It is hoped that a planning application will be lodged within the next few months. This would provide accommodation for the HSE Health Professionals who make up the Knocknacarra Primary Care Team. Separately a fit out is being progressed in Knocknacarra to provide a mental health facility for the area.

Ads have been placed for expressions of interest to develop Primary Care Centres in a number of locations including in 2019. The process for this location has subsequently been progressed through Stages 1 and 2. The next step (stage 3 ) will be to seek priced offers from the shortlisted developers. Progress has been impacted somewhat due to the COVID-19 emergency and the need to prioritise urgent matters arising. It is hoped to complete Stage 3 in early 2021 for this location and to then work with the successful developer to deliver the new Primary Care Centre.

The Forum heard that there are no immediate plans to develop a Primary Care Centre faclity in South Connemara.

“The view has been that the geographical make-up of the area with a number of peninsulas may not lend itself to one central primary care facility. At present services are delivered from several sites namely Cararoe, Lettermore, Rosmuc and Carna to reflect the spread out geographic nature of the area,” the Forum heard.


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