The sound of silver - Flirt FM to mark 25 years on air

NUIG's alternative community radio station marks major anniversary with a 25 hour live broadcast marathon

On Monday September 28, at 12 noon, it will be exactly 25 years since Flirt FM, the award winning campus, community and alternative radio station, located at NUI Galway, went live on air.

The station, founded by Andrew Ó Baoil, then at student at NUIG, and now a lecturer there, has been a breeding ground for radio talent - notable alumni include RTÉ's Gavin Jennings and independent radio producer Alan Meaney - and one of the most exciting places for students to learn about radio, media, and broadcasting.

"A quarter of a century is huge; it’s a testament to the thousands of people involved over the years, from volunteers, to guests, to staff, that the station is here and thriving" - Paula Healy

To mark it's 25th anniversary, Flirt 101.3 FM will conduct a 25 hour "live, extremely socially distanced, broadcast marathon" from 12 noon Monday September 28 to 1pm on Tuesday 29, linking station alumni to the studio live via Zoom from locations as varied as Paris, California, Vietnam, Mayo, with contributors "keen to quiz, reminisce, entertain, and surprise".


“The year ahead is going to be strangest the station has had in its history," said station manager Paula Healy, "but we're a great team - we’ve proven that with our determination to keep broadcasting through all the obstacles so far, and we're going to make it work. A quarter of a century is huge; it’s a testament to the thousands of people involved over the years, from volunteers, to guests, to staff, that the station is here and thriving.”

Flirt FM is a member of the Community Radio Ireland Network. It is home to up to 120 volunteers and many more contributors. For more see


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