Hoare calls for footpaths on Circular Road and Ballagh Road

FG councillor says €120,000 for new footpaths along Letteragh Road 'will be wasted' if those footpaths cannot be extended into other areas

The €120,000 allocated for new footpaths along Letteragh Road "will be wasted" if those new footpaths cannot be continued along Circular Road and onto St James National School.

This is the view of Fine Gael Galway City Central councillor, Eddie Hoare, who, while welcoming the recent allocation for Letteragh - included in the €3.1 million investment in walking and cycling infrastructure in Galway city, as part of the July Stimulus Plan - said Circular Road and Ballagh Road also need to be included in any plans to extend footpaths in the area.

'This funding is for shovel ready projects and works should commence in the coming months'

The €3.1 million is planned to go towards footpaths and cycle tracks along Bother na dTreabh to the Browne Roundabout;' footpath improvement works on Dominic Street; lighting on the cycle and walkway at South Park; and along the path from Blackrock to the caravan park.

"This funding is for shovel ready projects and works should commence in the coming months," said Cllr Hoare, who is also chair of the Galway City Council's Transport strategic policy committee. "I will work closely with the executive to ensure these projects are delivered.”


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