Seven ways to celebrate Mother's Day during lockdown

With wall-to-wall coverage of Covid-19, it is possible that you have forgotten that a special day is on the horizon; Mother's Day.

That's right, the day we give thanks to the woman who cares most about us in the world takes place on Sunday. But with the country on lockdown, coming up with ideas to celebrate the day may prove difficult.

However, here at the we have put on our creative caps to bring you seven ways (four if you are living with her and three if you are not ) to show mam how much we love her.

First up are suggestions for those living away from mum.

1 A chat

If you have moved out, then it is important to stay away from the parental home as much as you might wish to see mum. No doubt, as the most understanding person on the planet, she will know why you cannot come and give her a cuddle on Sunday. But to show that you appreciate her, schedule a FaceTime or Skype call and just have a chat about what she has been up to and let her know that you love her.

2 Gardening

With the sun starting to show its glowing, warm face and temperatures slowly starting to rise, the grass, trees, and plants will be beginning to shoot upwards. It is wonderful to see all the green returning, however, after a while the garden may look unkempt and messy. So if you are living away from home, inform your mother to stay inside, make herself a cup of tea, and let you handle the groundskeeping.

3 Buy her eBooks

If there ever was a time to get to those books that you promised yourself you would read, it is now. And going on my mother's tastes, reading is the King (or should I say Queen ) of pastimes. Learn her favourite genres and authors and go search and purchase online. She will be delighted with that.


If you are fortunate enough to be living with mum during these unprecedented times of separation and isolation, you are not subject to HSE guidelines of staying away from her in order to protect her. This opens up a lot more options on how to celebrate Mother's Day.

1 Make her breakfast

Like any Irish mammy, she probably does her fair share (if not all ) of the cooking throughout the year. So this Mother's Day why not surprise her with breakfast in bed? Just make sure you time the breakfast with her awakening time as you don't want to disturb her lie on this Sunday.

2 Give her the remote

We all know giving a mother the remote can be a dangerous thing to do as she will likely select something that is boring and what's worse is that she will watch it for hours on end - Judge Judy anyone? However, Sunday is her day and it is probable that she allows you to watch whatever you want for the other 364 days (365 in 2020 ) of the year. Mum might convince you she’s happy whatever you’re watching as long as it’s together. In this case, you might find our top picks films to watch on Netflix and Amazon during the lockdown handy.

3 Clean the house

It may not seem like a great idea of fun but cleaning the house is something about which your mother will be happy. Sure, she will keep quiet about the speck of dust you missed or the teaspoon you forgot to wash but for her, it will be the thought and effort that count.

So there you have it. Six ways you can celebrate Mother's Day in 2020 during the lockdown. And if these ideas prove too much of a challenge to follow, just remember, a simple 'I love you mum. Stay safe' will be enough this Sunday.

4. Get her outdoors

While you should absolutely avoid crowded places, the lock-down doesn’t mean you have to cross off all outdoors activities. If your mam is still in good shape, drive somewhere along the Wild Atlantic Way and go off the beaten track. As long as you keep your distance with others, taking a nice break from the screens for a little stroll on the Prom or Barna woods will certainly help your mam keep fit and happy.


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