Hormone expert to speak in Galway

Discover Chiropractic, a wellness way affiliate, has announced that one of the leading experts on male and female hormones, Dr Patrick Flynn, is coming to Galway to present his most popular talk, “The Hormone Connection: Common Does Not Mean Normal”.

Dr Flynn, known as The Hormone Whisperer and founder of The Wellness Way Clinics, has decades of relentless study and experience in bringing people clinical results. Dr Flynn leaves attendees laughing, as well as empowered and motivated to take the next steps. This event will guide attendees to the best physical, emotional, and relational health of their lives.

The key message in Dr Flynn's talk is that just because something is common, that does not make it normal. And that's the game-changer. Your body is like a Swiss watch that is composed of very complex parts. Every system (gear ) in your body can affect everything else, from your heart rate to your cholesterol. That is why it’s important to not look at just one gear. If you have symptoms happening with your heart, they might be coming from one of the other gears.

You need to address the cause (or causes ) of ill health, not just the symptoms. Conventional thinking looks at the symptoms and tries to treat them, when we should be looking at which organ(s ) are being stressed to see how it could be causing a cascade of problems throughout the body.

Chronic health conditions are at an all-time high and something needs to change. There’s a better answer. Get your tickets to this life-changing event by contacting Discover Chiropractic at 091 764 052, email [email protected].


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