Tackling cocaine problem should be priority for Government – Crowe

The cocaine problem in Galway was described as a ‘blizzard’ at this week’s Joint Policing Committee — Speaking after the meeting General Election Candidate, Cllr. Ollie Crowe said the next government need to tackle the problem of drugs and crime in our community and slammed the outgoing government for their lax approach to law and order.

“The Joint Policing Committee meeting painted a grim picture of Galway. It is one ravaged with drug use and crime, in particular cocaine use. The police are in an uphill battle to combat against this casual drug use and the organised gangs that deal these drugs.

“An education campaign is needed nationally to warn the public on the hazards of casual drug use and given what we are hearing this week, it’s badly needed. We need society to wake up to the dangers of drugs and the consequences they can have,” he said.

“Policy changes are needed. Fianna Fáil are committed to increasing the Garda numbers to 16k, new laws that the belief of a Chief Superintendent as to the involvement of an individual in gangland activity will be admissible in evidence, increase funding to drug task forces by €6m over two years, and fully implement the National Drugs strategy.

“It is clear the policy of the outgoing government has failed. We need a change of leadership in government to make communities safer,” concluded Cllr. Crowe.


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