The Respa adjustable electric bed

The Respa adjustable electric bed is part of Respa’s luxury collection of electric adjustable beds and mattresses.

It is ideal for those with mobility difficulties, offering individual support for the head, neck, upper and lower back, thighs, and feet.

This adjustable bed is for those who want something far beyond the ordinary. With its handheld remote control unit, it enables independent adjustable sleeping positions, offering relief for sufferers of back or joint problems, and it comes with the convenience of a mattress that does not need turning.

This bed also comes with matching headboard. The 3ft and 4ft6in options are one unit with one remote. The 6ft option, as shown in the image, comes in a split unit with two remote controls so both sides (3ft each ) can be controlled differently.

For more information contact Better Bedding the sleep expert, at 091 756 766 or visit the Better Bedding store on Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway.


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