Galway-based WifOR Institute awarded Guaranteed Irish symbol ahead of 2020 partnership with NUIG

The WifOR Institute, an independent economics research institute and think-tank, has been awarded the ‘Guaranteed Irish’ symbol. WifOR, headquartered in Germany and operating in Galway since 2018, provides businesses, government bodies and other organisations with valid, comparable data and insightful research on a range of topics including digitalisation, education, health, innovation and R&D, labour markets, value, and sustainability.

The research institute, led by a board of global research experts, has received the renowned national mark as a result of its commitment to supporting local jobs, showcasing Irish provenance and contributing to the community.

Since launching their Irish branch in Galway in 2018, WifOR has committed itself to providing value to the local community and is currently an active member of the Galway Chamber.

The WifOR Institute plans to further cement its commitment to the Galway area with a planned partnership with NUIG. The partnership will see students of the MSc in Global Environmental Economics take up internships with WifOR’s Impact Analysis team.

Katrin Ostwald, WifOR Institute, says they are honoured to receive the Guaranteed Irish symbol on behalf of the WifOR Institute.

"It is our goal to support the competitiveness and sustainable growth of businesses in Ireland with actionable, meaningful research and analytics.

"By combining business and macroeconomic data, we improve the collaboration between companies, government bodies and NGOs by creating a common understanding of a company’s or cluster’s holistic value contributions to the economy, environment and society.

"We also help businesses retain and attract talent through analyses that compare the external labour market, based on macroeconomic data, with a business’ internal HR strategy and planning requirements," she said,

Brid O’Connell, CEO Guaranteed Irish, welcomedthe WifOR Institute as a member of Guaranteed Irish.

"The Guaranteed Irish symbol helps consumers and businesses to identify products and services that are better choices for communities across Ireland. We only award the symbol to companies which provide quality jobs, support local communities and are committed to Irish provenance," she added.

Guaranteed Irish is one of Ireland’s most enduring, recognisable and authentic symbols. The business membership organisation has a network of 600+ members nationwide across various sectors, supporting over 71,390 jobs with an annual combined turnover of €11.2 billion to the Irish economy. The Guaranteed Irish symbol helps Irish consumers identify products and services that are a better choice for jobs and local communities in Ireland.


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