GRETB to offer sports, recreation and exercise course in Oranmore

A new sports, recreation, and exercise course will start in Oranmore in November. This fulltime QQI Level 5 programme provided by the GRETB Training Centre is a broad course that will enable students to assist in the running of a sports and leisure facility. The course is completed over a period of 46 weeks. Initially students spend time learning in the classroom, with the final 14 weeks working full time and part time in the industry.

Various modules are completed during the course, these include:

Safety and health at work.


Exercise and fitness.


Sports and recreation studies.

Sports anatomy and physiology.


These and other subjects provide an extensive level of expertise that would enable students to forge a career in the sports, recreation, and exercise sector with the possibility of progression to further roles and training.

To apply or inquire about this course, go to, see, or contact GRETB Training Centre at 091 706200.


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