The 23rd Baboró International Arts Festival for Children starts this Monday and offers a feast of events for children and families.

Each year we feature individuals who are passionate about the festival. This week’s Baboró Ambassador is Pauline Maher, a mum of two children, a homemaker, and a nurse currently on a break. Pauline and her family have attended Baboró every year since arriving in Galway in 2013.

One of my favourite Baboró memories is...

Spot, a story told through a light shone on the wall; the children giggled so much. The following year we saw The Elves and the Shoemaker. The children were mesmerised by the three fairies and their aerial dance - it was very endearing to see so many enchanted children. We also saw a great show called Bake! We came home with a recipe for cupcakes and made several batches in the following weeks.

Baboró is important for Galway because…

Baboro meets childrens’ needs to have different learning experiences. It teaches adults that you can enjoy a show together with your children and it encourages children to appreciate different types of acting, singing and visual art. If a parent appreciates art they model this behaviour for their children who appreciate it too.

Children need to see that the world is a diverse place. Music, art and drama create a milieu of freedom so you can be who you want to be. Baboró is great for giving us all ideas and brings more colour and laughter into our lives. My children at times went on to write their own shows or stories.

Baboró also gives adults the opportunity to enter the childrens’ world of fun and imagination.

I’m really looking forward to this year’s Baboró Festival because…

I cannot wait for this year’s Festival. I will see Playful Tiger and Baba Yaga. As my children get older they appreciate other aspects of Baboró. My son Joseph loves reading, so we will meet Catherine Doyle in Westside library and Dave Rudden in The Black Gate. Last year when my son met an author he went home and read all his four books many times. It brought the books to life.

This year my son is learning about musical instruments as part of an education outreach programme, prior to seeing Carnival of the Animals with his class.

Baboró starts this Monday and runs until 20 October. For more see


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