Housekeeping tips for autumn

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

With October now a week old and the weather deteriorating, it is likely we will be spending more time indoors at home. To make home a more alluring prospect here at the we have a few tips.

1 Fight the damp

As the weather becomes colder and wetter, our homes become damp. The damp is caused by a lack of ventilation and warm moist air (because of indoor washing and drying ) which is a breeding ground for germs and bugs. To combat the damp, open windows to freshen the stale air.

2 Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning

Tis the time for getting sick as the temperature changes. To prevent winter bugs via germ-ridden hands, ensure all surfaces are cleaned with anti-bacterial fluid such as Dettol. Remember germs are everywhere so make the same attention is given to surfaces in bedrooms and door handles as it would be given to kitchen and bathroom surfaces.

3 Empty bins daily

Emptying bins daily will help in the fight against winter flu especially if there are used tissues in there.

4 Stock up the medicine cabinet

Make sure that the medicine cabinet is full. Go through all the blisters, bottles and boxes. Check the expiration dates and change them if the goods have expired. You can buy some medicine for colds, nasal drops, and vitamins to be ready for winter.

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