People of the Tribes: Meet Lorna.

In association with McGettigans

Hey, I'm Lorna, I'm 25 and live in Galway. I'm lucky enough to have been born here and spent my life living here, both in the city where I live and Carraroe, Connemara where I did my first degree. I have a degree in media through Irish and I'm also a primary school teacher. I worked in TG4 during college, have dabbled in online journalism and have done a few art projects along the side. I'm a big lover of dance and still do ballet classes once a week in Briarhill. One could say I'm a jack of many trades, a master of none! I love working with kids, their optimism is infectious. I love all things creative and really find myself at home in Galway because of this. I recently completed a short-acting course at the Lir Academy in Dublin and loved it. I'm really excited to explore the field more, especially here in Galway. I'm currently working as part of Galway Art's Festival's Box Office Squad. It's a busy job but I love it. I feel so lucky to be part of the festival, there is nowhere better than Galway at this team of the year! My favourite thing about Galway is the opportunities it provides culturally, both within the arts and the Irish language. I'm a fluent speaker and love that I can use my Gaeilge daily in Galway. Be sure to pop into the Box Office in the Cornstore to say hi!(as Gaeilge nó Bearla! )


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