Trial works on Shop Street resurfacing to be completed by June

Project will include the expansion of pedestrianised areas in the city

Trial works on the first phase of the complete resurfacing of Shop Street are expected to be completed by June.

The works will see the removal of the existing pavement and an upgrade of the drainage and underground service system, as well as the installation of a temporary surface at the stretch between Eason, the entrance to Church Yard Lane and the front of Anthony Ryan’s.

The iconic street has received much criticism for various issues including loose surfaces and flood prone areas.

A Galway City Council spokesperson says despite the location of the works, trading will continue as normal during the period of the works.

“The long spoken refurbishment of Shop Street commenced on Tuesday and trading will continue as normal during the course of the works. Due to the position of where the trail works are now being undertaken, there are a huge number of constraints such as a large footfall from locals, tourists, and the proximity of shops and bars. But the works will take place during the day and will continue right into the evening and it is hoped they will be completed in June,” he said.

The spokesperson also says the trial works will examine how different types of surfacing respond to the footfall generated by Shop Street before a final decision is taken on which surface will be used.

The trial works are a part of multi-million regeneration project for the city agreed by the Galway City Council last year.

The project will include the expansion of pedestrianised areas in the city along with the revamp completion of Shop Street to be carried out in phases later this year.

Emergency works had been carried last year on areas of the street which were the most affected by large quantities of surface water.


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