Anne Downey named as new chair of WestBIC

Anne Downey, a long serving Board Member and Director of WestBIC, has now taken up the helm as Chair of WestBIC, the Business Innovation Centre for the West/North West region. She takes over as WestBIC Chair, following the untimely passing of its previous Chair, Dr Chris Coughlan, who championed WestBIC’s role in supporting entrepreneurs to convert and scale their innovative concepts into high potential start-ups.

Anne Downey, an entrepreneur in her own right, was Co-founder and Director of QSET, a compliance management software company. She was instrumental in taking this Galway -ased start-up global and led the development of QSET’s US operations.

As a qualified Solicitor and NUI Galway Tutor in Company Law, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to WestBIC, not least as a past recipient of an EU wide award recognising the ‘Top Five European Women Entrepreneurs in IT’.

Acknowledging her role and plans as Chair of WestBIC, she stated thatn at WestBIC, it’s all about the Entrepreneur.

“As an entrepreneur for many years, I am delighted to take up the role of Chair of WestBIC, an organisation with over 30 years’ experience of providing tailored support for the practical needs of high potential start-ups and accelerating their journey to becoming investor ready,” she said.

WestBIC is closely aligned with its partners, Enterprise Ireland and Udaras na Gaeltachta, as well as third level colleges, incubation and accelerator programmes and the private/Angel investment community in the region.

This is key to the provision of WestBIC’s comprehensive range of services to innovative start-ups as well as for companies aiming to scale and expand into international markets.


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