Top tips for gardening in 2019

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

It is fair to say that this winter has not been that bad. Yes, it has been cold and wet but we do live in Galway, so rain and wind is par for the course.

As we make our way towards the middle of February, and of course, Valentine's Day why not check out our top tips for gardening in 2019 and give those flowers and plants some love.

Protecting from the frost

Although temperatures have not plunged well below zero this year, we are in the earlier months of the year so there is always the threat of frost. Gardeners know that frost is always a big problem and knowing how to handle the cold temperatures can help save plants and get them to the gentler climes of May. Little clay pots make perfect coverings for young plants as they protect from sudden overnight freezes.

Make more from less

Your gardening space is likely to be limited if you live in the city. But urban gardening has become very popular. Garden companies offer several options where people can grow their own little vegetable patch.

Make it colourful

No one likes dull colours so why would you select plants that are anything but colourful and vibrant. Using flowers of various shapes, sizes, and colours create that perfect place where, no matter how tough the day has been, the garden will be there to brighten up your mood.

So there you have it. Get gardening.

If you would like to promote your Gardening Services visit Advertiser Classifieds where you can advertise your business for just €4 per month.


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