Men's health seminar

Men’s health clinician Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist, has announced details of the upcoming Men’s Health Seminar. The seminar will take place on November 5 in the Ardilaun Hotel, from 7pm to 9pm. Attendance is €10 payable at the door. Tea and coffee is included and a free raffle.

This event is for men of all ages and women are also very welcome to attend. The event will cover health conditions of erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, bed wetting, bladder and bowel incontinence, prostatitis, post prostate cancer dysfunction, over active bladder, and eye health. Samples and handouts will be given, and questions will be answered.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist, will be talking about physiotherapy for bladder and erectile dysfunction. Dr Mary Rogan, GP and pyschosexual therapist, will talk about erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction. Mr Mathew Burrows, iMEDicare will talk about a therapy for erectile dysfunction called Somaerect. Ms Elaine O Sullivan, optometrist, will talk about eye health, and Dr Audrey Kinahan, pharmacist, will talk about medication for bladder and erectile dysfunction.

For more information contact 087 2863013, or email [email protected].


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