Fundraising night for Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre

Drag queen Miss Bella Boutique and DJ Rob B to lead the party in NOVA

A FUNDRAISING night for the Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre, hosted by drag queen Miss Bella Boutique, and with music by DJ Rob B, takes place in NOVA this weekend.

The event takes place this Saturday from 8pm and there will be €1,000 of spot prizes. It has been organised by AMACH! LGBT Galway and proceeds will go to Teach Solais.

Teach Solais on Merchants' Road is a hub for the LGBT+ community in both Galway city and the wider region. It provides peer supports, information, and education events as well as social and cultural events. It is also the Galway base for the LGBT National Helpline; peer support groups including GOSSIP (transgender support group ) and Shout! Youth support group (18-25 years ); and hosts AIDS West's free monthly HIV testing. Teach Solas also runs photography courses, meditation sessions, yoga classes, a book club, and drop-in sessions on Saturday.


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