Let go of anxiety, enjoy life

Meditation classes with Kadam Adam

Kadam Adam Starr is back in Galway this September to re-launch a new series of meditation classes entitled "Let go of anxiety, enjoy life". Principal teacher at Tara Kadampa Meditation Centre, he is passionate about how meditation can help us to solve our daily problems.

Such is his belief in this method that he travels around Ireland, the UK, and Europe passing on his experience through various classes and workshops.

"The busyness of daily life, constant demands on our time, and the difficulties we meet, can often leave us all feeling tired, stressed, and stuck in a state of worrying," he says. "If we don’t have constructive ways to deal with this, it can easily lead to increasing anxiety, fear, unhappiness, and feeling stuck in these unhealthy states of mind."

Kadam Adam will teach tried and tested methods of highly practical meditations and trainings to improve mindfulness in daily life. "Then we can recognise, reduce, and let go of anxiety and fear, with confidence. In its place we will learn how to develop and maintain positive, peaceful, states of mind that enable us to fully enjoy our life, free of anxiety and fear, whatever is happening in our day."

Workshops take place every Wednesday at 7pm, and the fee is €10. Classes are at Studio 1, O'Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance, NUI, University Road, Galway. Everybody is welcome. For more information see www.meditateinireland.com


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