Cometh the hour, cometh the man

Could it be that the political resurrection of Val Hanley is almost complete? That in its hour of need Fianna Fáil are looking to him to help win back a seat in Galway City West?

When Mr Hanley lost his seat in the 2004 Local Elections, there was gloating in sections of the party, one member even going so far as to say: “Hah! We got rid of the deadwood.”

Last year, Mr Hanley began putting his name forward with a view to running in June’s Local Election. Such was the underwhelming response to his possible candidacy that he eventually dropped out of the race.

Then recently, the results emerged in the Galway Advertiser of a privately conducted opinion poll, which showed Mr Hanley on eight per cent support (even though he is not running! ). Given that FF candidate Peter Keane is on five per cent, it gives the party hope that it could challenge for a seat this summer.

Fianna Fáil are doubtlessly conducting their own polls as well and must have been aware that this support is out there. As a result, Val Hanley was recently interviewed by party HQ with a view to being possibly added to the ticket in Galway City West.

Then on Wednesday he was seen with Galway West TD Frank Fahey canvassing the Gort na Bro area (where Cllr John Connolly lives! ). Hardly the actions of a man who is not going to be added to the ticket for the Local Elections.

‘Cometh the hour, cometh the man’. Could Val Hanely be the man to win back the seat in Galway City West in 2009, which he failed to secure in 2004


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