Mathematics — mastery or minefield

Is your child’s maths performance below par? Is it affecting her confidence and outlook? Is he a little at sea, or is maths a total minefield?

The importance of encouraging a positive view of mathematics in primary school cannot be over emphasised. As students progress through the classes they are introduced to new concepts which build on previous learning and understanding. So, it is vital that children grasp each new concept and are given a chance to practise it and apply it before they move on. This means that students feel confident in their abilities and assured in the knowledge that they are able to keep going on this mathematical journey.

First Class Learning helps to identify any weaknesses in understanding or skills.

Frank Murphy, FCL owner, said: “We look at each student; what they can do, and what they’re not so good at. Then we tailor an individual programme for that student. Understanding is vital, so we devise ways to help the child gain understanding, bearing in mind that each student learns differently. Students are given a chance to practise through repetition and homework. Every year we devote several months of our programme to problem solving and we encourage students to think logically and present their work in a coherent, logical, way.”

Limited places are available in Salthill and Oranmore centres. Contact Frank Murphy to book an assessment at 086 3724617/091 635678, email [email protected].


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