Learn more about Alzheimer’s disease at coffee morning

A coffee morning will take place tomorrow (Friday ) from 10.30am to 1pm at the Connemara Lake Hotel, Oughterard.

The event will raise funds for a conference on dementia which will be held at the Glenlo Abbey on Monday May 28.

Helen Rochford Brennan, the first person in Ireland to speak publicly about her early onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis, will tell her story at the coffee morning and will talk to people who have any queries or worries.

There will be information on various research projects taking place and also a legal expert will be on hand to advise people on their legal affairs.

The organiser of both events, Carmel Geoghegan from Oughterard, is grateful to the Lake Hotel for sponsoring the coffee morning.

“We look forward to welcoming all and hopefully easing some fears and answering some questions for individuals who may be worried, have just received a diagnosis, or are living for some time with a diagnosis.”

To book a place at the conference log on to www.eventbrite.ie/e/living-with-dementia-in-rural-ireland-tickets-44751322410?aff=eac2


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