Sometimes taking the natural route can lead you on the greatest journey

Are you struggling with fertility issues? Are you having trouble starting a family? Many couples in the same boat have turned to Denise Christie from Health and Harmony in Loughrea, Co Galway. And for many she made their dreams come true.

Ms Christie, an experienced holistic medicine practitioner, helps couples who have struggled repeatedly to start a family. She helps them find a faster, healthier, more holistic and loving path to the children they yearn for. She guides her clients through her programme – called the Womb Nurture Method. And her statistics speak for themselves — 38 babies born and six pregnancy announcements since Christmas.

Denise Christie works with couples who want to follow a completely natural route to a happy and healthy pregnancy, and with those who have experienced problems and want help to overcome those blocks. She also works to support couples through IVF and assisted fertility. She studied holistic medicine in Canterbury, Kent, UK, qualifying in 2001, and has since qualified in acupuncture and also has a diploma in teaching. She trained with Clare Blake of Fertility Massage UK and Jani White of Naturechild in specialist fertility based treatments, and is also a qualified wellness coach.

In recognition of the success of her methods, Denise Christie won the award in the Health and Holistic category for the Irish Micro Business Awards 2018. The awards ceremony took place in the Limerick Strand Hotel on Saturday April 14.

For further details call Denise Christie on 087 9675063 for a free telephone consultation. Visit Health and Harmony’s website on, or see her Facebook page at HealthandHarmony.


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