Irish courses for adults at Coláiste Naomh Éanna

Coláiste Naomh Éanna, located in the village of An Spidéal in Co Galway, provides courses in primary teaching EPV, secondary school teaching, interview preparation courses for teaching jobs and principal teaching jobs, interview preparation courses for prospective applicant teachers, and tréimhse Gaeltachta for student teachers.

There are also courses which help third level students studying Irish for their degree, students studying for the TEG exam, adults who are beginners, improvers, or advanced, and adults studying Irish for the Leaving Certificate.

Classes are taught by experienced highly qualified teachers using the latest and most modern teaching strategies and methodologies. Teacher courses are approved for EPV days and include preparation courses for SCG/OCG exams. Prospective applicant teachers are provided with sample questions and answers for the Irish part of the interview. Students will have the opportunity to practise one to one with a native Irish speaking third level student. Students will also attend classes on translation and grammar to help improve their understanding of the language and their speaking and writing skills. For third level and TEG students emphasis will be on spoken Irish, grammar, and translation at degree level. For adult Leaving Certificate students emphasis will be on the oral exam, aural, grammar, and comprehension. Sample essays will also be available.

In the beginner courses for adults emphasis will be on oral language, reading, and writing. For improvers oral language, reading, writing, grammer, and aural will be the focus, and for advanced Irish speakers oral language, reading, writing, grammar, and aural will be at a higher level.

There will also be afternoon and evening activities including ceilí dancing, table quiz, singing, dancing, walking, and music sessions.

Contact Coláiste Naomh Éanna, An Spidéal, Co na Gaillimhe on 091 558870 or 087 1349929. Email [email protected] or visit


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