Search Results for 'job applications'

11 results found.

Reduce the chances of ‘hearing nothing back’

Quite often, my colleagues and I hear clients say that they have made several job applications but have heard nothing back. The palpable frustration this causes is clear for all to see. It’s an all-too-common problem within the recruitment process but there are ways to reduce the chances of it happening to you. In simple terms – it boils down to you as a job seeker making a connection with someone on the other side of your application, writes Mark McDonald, Career Coach.

Huge interest in job seekers event- Collins McNicholas Recruitment & HR Services

Over 80 job seekers attended Collins McNicholas Recruitment & HR Services recent seminar and open day in finding a job in today’s market.

Let EmployAbility help your business help job seekers with disabilities

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Dermot Hyland is currently employed at the Kinlay Hostel in Eyre Square, Galway. Dermot has availed of the Supported Employment Programme through EmployAbility Galway. Dermot was referred to EmployAbility Galway service in February 2011. Dermot, originally from Renvyle Co Galway, moved to Galway city in 198. Dermot has a mild learning disability and left secondary school after his third year to attend work preparation training. As part of his training he completed a work experience in the Value Centre, Newcastle in 1993, which resulted in paid employment. Dermot loved his job there and worked as a general operative until March 2009 when the facility in Newcastle closed and he was made redundant.

Increased demand for qualified childcare professionals

There has been a noticeable increase in the demand for qualified childcare professionals in Ireland and graduates now have a wider range of career options to choose from in the childcare sector including crèche, day nursery, playgroup, and Montessori; special needs assistant in classroom or day care centre; childcare professional or nanny at home or abroad; after-school care; and starting your own childcare business/home-based child-minder.

New Galway People’s Resource Centre location

It is a new dawn for the Galway People’s Resource Centre which is currently settling into its new premises at St Clare’s Walk, Merchant’s Road, Galway.

JobFit Roadshow to hit Galway next week

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The JobFit Roadshow, part of aninitiative to support people to upskill or retrain and get a job or move on to further education or training, is coming to the Galway Shopping Centre on Friday September 10, from 10am to 3pm. From its state-of-the-art Mobile Training Unit, JobFit is offering a free job search clinic, where friendly staff will be on hand to offer advice, guidance and support to people in their quest to find employment.

The JobFit Roadshow is coming to Athlone

The JobFit Roadshow, part of a new initiative to support people to upskill or retrain and get a job or move on to further education or training, is coming to the Golden Island Shopping Centre, Athlone, on Wednesday August 25 and September 8, from 10am to 3pm. From its state-of-the-art mobile training unit, JobFit is offering a free job search clinic, where friendly staff will be on hand to offer advice, guidance and support to people in their quest to find employment.

Study reveals discrimination against job applicants with non-Irish names

Job applicants with identifiably non-Irish names are less than half as likely to be called for interview as those with typical Irish names, according to a recent experiment. The research, the first of its kind to be conducted in Ireland, found a similar level of discrimination against those with an identifiably African, Asian, or European (German) name.

The perfect fit at fifty

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The perfect fit arises when the right person is placed in the right job. No square pegs in round holes, no ‘making do’, no ‘getting by’.

Eugene McGuinness responds to Grassroots

Dear Editor,

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