Search Results for 'Ciara Lennon'
26 results found.
Buyers flock to DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard’s open viewings for September auctions
Echoing a seemingly nationwide theme, Galway’s property market is registering a significant rise in activity in recent months. According to leading local agent DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard interest levels and activity have seen a dramatic increase with buyers flocking to the market.
DNG September auction looks set to attract astute investors to avail of tax incentives

With a notable change in the weather and back to school looming, the auction team at DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard have slipped back into gear, and this week launched their September series of auctions for 2014.
DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard launches major July auction
2014 is proving to be a busy year for leading property agents DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard, launching its fourth series of auctions for the year. The July auctions follow on from the successful April auctions which yielded excellent results for the company and its clients. “We are seeing a lot of activity in the marketplace,” according to Alan Maxwell, who heads the auction division at the company. “There is a definite appetite to buy out there and confidence is returning to the market. People are seeking value but they are also seeking quality and well-presented properties. Our open viewings are proving very successful in the lead-up to the auctions. There is a lot of interest in the properties and people are keen to purchase.”
DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard expecting a busy auction day tomorrow
Leading property expert DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard is expecting a large turnout at its May auction tomorrow, with the usual mix of both residential and commercial properties appealing to a broad spectrum of interested buyers.
Interest levels are high for DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard's open viewings

Leading Galway property expert DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard is reporting unmatched levels of interest at open viewings for its May 30 auctions in The Radisson Hotel, which will see a total of 13 lots go to the auction floor.
Huge interest at DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard open viewings

Leading Galway property expert DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard has had record turnouts at all of its open viewings in the past five weeks ahead of its auction this day week in Radisson Hotel.
Exciting range of properties to feature in DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard Easter auctions

Following the success of its February auctions, DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard has announced details of its upcoming Easter auctions. Thursday April 17 will see the leading agent bring a total of eight lots to the auction floor in the second of its 2014 series of auctions.
Final call for Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard June auctions

Tomorrow (Friday) will see Property Partners Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard hold its June auctions with a mix of properties going under the hammer. The atmosphere and excitement in the city is growing in anticipation of the Volvo Ocean Race and the boost it will bring to the local economy, and auctioneer James Heaslip is confident that some of this enthusiasm will transfer to property buyers over the coming weeks. The leading local auctioneers have had their Saturday diaries full in recent times, having gone straight from open viewings for their May auctions into the June viewings and the July auctions and open viewings are to immediately follow these proceedings. The second of the company’s summer auctions in as many months will take place in the Imperial Hotel, Eyre Square, where proceedings will commence at 3pm.
Property Partners Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard announces June auctions

Following in quick succession from its May auctions, Property Partners Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard has launched its June auctions with open viewings already under way. The second of its summer auctions in as many months will take place on June 15 in the Imperial Hotel, Eyre Square, where proceedings will commence at 3pm.
O’Donnellan & Joyce to hold the biggest property auction in the west tomorrow

O’Donnellan & Joyce will hold the biggest property auction tomorrow (Friday) when 17 properties go under the hammer at 3pm in the Victoria Hotel, Eyre Square, Galway.