Dealing with exam stress

The nutrient requirements of teenagers are generally higher than those of mature adults.

The body’s nutritional needs should be satisfied with foods of high nutritional value, rather than convenience or snack foods, which are high in saturated fats, sugar, and salt. These foods do nothing to nourish the body and are likely to be harmful if eaten on a regular basis. Not only that, they will also contribute to or worsen skin problems like acne.

A bad diet will also contribute to a lack of concentration, and premenstrual tension in females. Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit will supply B and C vitamins which benefit the nervous system helping cope with stress. Essential fatty acids from Omega 3 are also important for brain function and greatly beneficial during exams. However, while B vitamins can be taken any time and do not need to be built up in the body, Omega 3 needs a few weeks to be of proper benefit.

Passiflora is an herbal remedy which helps with anxiety and nervous tension and is especially useful immediately prior to exams. It is most commonly taken in drops put into a little water and takes about 20 minutes for a calming effect. It has no side effects or contraindications.

Nature’s Plus Mega-Stress tablets are a high potency B-complex with vitamin C. They contain 200mg of Pantothenic Acid, which is the main anti-stress vitamin. They are sustained release which means they are broken down over several hours helping with energy and concentration throughout the day. Finally, for some, Rescue Remedy spray can calm those last-minute nerves, and is easy to carry in the pocket for whenever it is needed.

For further information contact Susan in Au Naturel, Payne’s Lane, Irishtown, Athlone on (090 ) 6487993.


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