Uncertainty of omicron variant a concern as Carty plays pivotal role in Connacht rugby victory

Thu, Dec 16, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
As I am compiling this piece on Tuesday, we still do not know what the mysterious Omicron variant is capable of, or the details of it.

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Mica afflicted homes necessitate redress as supporters a welcome sight at sporting fixtures

Thu, Oct 14, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Well of course I am compiling this on Budget Day. I have to have this column in by midday on Tuesday in order for it to go into print in the paper to issue on Thursday. Therefore, I will not be saying much about the Budget in this column today, but I will return to it next week.

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Dáil Éireann returns to familiar surroundings as Budget 2022 awaits October unveiling

Thu, Sep 23, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Last week we saw the Dáil back in its rightful home at Leinster House. What a change it made from the weird, vast reaches of the Convention Centre where the Ceann Comhairle often had to crane his neck and look all around the room before he could locate the person who had put up their hand and had spoken. It was not at all suitable but of course was only necessary because of Covid restrictions. I’m glad it’s finished and that, no matter how they refigure the seats at the visitors’ gallery and various other sections of Leinster House, the TDs are back where they belong, where they can speak and be heard clearly, and no doubt where all of the business can continue in familiar surroundings.

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Leaving Cert results relief for local students as Westmeath ladies perform heroics in Croke Park

Thu, Sep 09, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
So much action over the past week that I had better get started immediately. In the minds of many people, particularly young people, last Friday was the important day when the Leaving Cert results came out and young people had an opportunity to find out exactly how they had done in the recent hybrid Leaving Certificate. It appears that the results were much better than anybody had expected, and right throughout that day there were exclamations of delight from so many young people.

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Athlone swimming duo raise funds for Lough REE RNLI cause as local students await Leaving Cert results

Thu, Sep 02, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Oh so much to report on. To begin with, so much sport.

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Images emerging from Afghanistan contrast vastly with weekend sporting euphoria

Thu, Aug 19, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
As I am compiling this column, I’ve just heard on the radio the huge numbers that tuned in last Saturday night to look at the Dublin-Mayo match in Croke Park. Astonishing numbers, but of course completely understandable.

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Kellie now a national sporting treasure as vaccine programme progress much welcome

Thu, Aug 12, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
I would truly like to know how many of the regular readers of this column were looking at the TV coming up to 6am last Sunday morning! In case any of you are interested, I was up at 5.45am. During the night I didn’t sleep because I kept thinking ‘Oh I’ll miss the fight, I’ll miss the fight.’ I finally fell asleep at 4am and woke up at 5.30 and got straight up, came out to my living room, turned on the TV and boiled the kettle, made a big mug of tea, and sat down to watch Kellie Harrington in action against Brazilian Beatriz Ferreira.

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A year for reading

Thu, Jul 29, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Well, I’ve been talking about doing this column on books for some time. Bearing in mind that we have started the real holiday season, I felt it would be a good week to do it. Last week in the column, I spoke about the books I can remember from my childhood.

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Scenic Cornwall hosts G7 Summit as legacy of British rule detailed in RTE documentary

Thu, Jun 17, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
I am compiling this on Tuesday, and the Advertiser issues on Thursday. So when I say it is glorious, sunny, bright weather outside, I know it could well have changed by Thursday. However, for the last two to three weeks, we have had the most amazing sunny days, bright days, long evenings and all that goes with being a good summer. I am sure you all join with me in being so glad to have had this wonderful June.

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Emotion laden week to endure as surreal Leaving certificate experience awaits students

Thu, Jun 10, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Well, we’ve had a few wonderful days of good weather, including the bank holiday weekend. I hope all of the readers had the same good fortune as we had here in Athlone. We have read about and seen the opening up of the lockdown and what it has meant. Now I know there were two earlier nights in the weekend when apparently a group of disturbers were determined that they would wreck the peace of the lovely weekend but thankfully the firm action of the Gardaí, and in general the determination by many others that the weekend would be enjoyable, left them as a rebel group without a cause.

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HSE cyber attack quells mood of positivity as funding parity announced for gaelic games participants

Thu, May 20, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
Well, of all of the things that have happened recently, the cyber attack on our health service is the most ominous and dangerous. The Government and the people had begun to be imbued with a sense of hope that we were going to come out of the pandemic, and better times, better weather and a general feeling of goodwill were beginning to run through Irish society with shops and hairdressers opening and a gradual awakening of life in Ireland; just when all of that was beginning to be felt, we had this dreadful cyber attack on the health system in Ireland.

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Easing of restrictions gives cause for cautious optimism as Henshaw faces Champions Cup test

Thu, Apr 29, 2021

Hello to all the Advertiser readers.
As I am compiling this column, the weather remains beautiful, bright and sunny with good temperatures, but I believe there is a change coming this week. Now we cannot complain; we have had over two weeks of brilliant sunny weather, when every morning saw the sun shining brightly and we knew that the day ahead would be the same.

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Read this weeks E-paper. Past editions also available from within this weeks digital copy.


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