Business information morning at Sheraton Athlone Hotel

Local Enterprise Office Westmeath is hosting an information morning on Thursday, March 9, in the Sheraton Hotel for people already in business and those thinking of starting up a business.

There will be a number of Government agencies present on the day with information stands, prepared to answer all the questions those in attendance have.

The agencies will be able to answer any questions you may have about key regulations and assistance available to your business. Information stands will be open from 10am, with the conference itself starting at 11am.

There will also be a number of Local Enterprise Office mentors available to advise people on accessing finance, investigating a business, grant aid, and marketing.

The Local Enterprise Office has invited Ramona Nicholas as a guest speaker. Ramona will retrace some of the steps she took on her route to success, highlighting the importance of enterprise spirit, commitment, and self-belief.

Ms Nicholas is a self-made, award-winning entrepreneur who is the joint managing director of the Cara Group. She was a dragon on the RTÉ series, Dragons Den, and was the youngest person to take part in The Secret Millionaire in 2012.

A qualified pharmacist, she is highly skilled in strategic planning, HR, aggressive purchasing methods, design management, accounting structures, web development, and much more. She is extremely passionate about retail and brand management both on the high street and through eCommerce.

The event is free of charge. For further information or to reserve your place, visit or call (044 ) 9338945.


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