Heartfelt Cardio Screening returns to Prince of Wales

Heartfelt Cardio Screening is returning to the Prince of Wales Hotel, Church Street, Athlone, on Tuesday, August 4 and Tuesday, August 11.

BPro Cardio Pulse-Wave screening shows you the condition of your heart and the flexibility of your arteries.  The procedure is non-invasive and completely pain-free. 

Until recently, the only way to test the condition of the arteries and to measure the arterial blood pressure was by an invasive procedure called an angiogram.   Recently a new method was developed called BPro.

The BPro device is a completely mobile test kit, comprising of a wrist sensor and a laptop. It can be brought to any location, including your workplace or organisation which makes it ideal for sports clubs, health centres etc. 

The cost of an individual BPro test is €50.  Couples receive a 10 per cent discount and for groups of 10 or more people, a 20 per cent discount is offered.

Although 45 minutes is allocated to all clients, the actual procedure only takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.  Clients will be provided with a full print-out of results.  

For further information or to make an appointment, please contact: Anna on (086 ) 4135555 or Jimmy on (086 ) 2566422.  Also check out their website: www.bproheartfeltcardioscreening.com


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