Opt for Technitherm wall insulation in your home

Western Insulation offer Technitherm cavity wall fill. With 25 years of proven performance insulating all types of cavity in all types of climate, Technitherm is a fully certified spray foam insulation for injection into closed cavities of new and existing homes.

It delivers excellent low U values and high levels of airtightness in addition to excellent resistance to moisture penetration.   

As cavity injection insulation, Technitherm maximises the performance of wall insulation, seals the house from draughts around window and door frames, and reduces carbon emissions for the life of the property.

In addition, the closed cell structure of Technitherm provides resistance to moisture ingress and is not affected by mould or fungal growth.

Technitherm is installed in the region by Airseal/Western Insulations who have been trained and accredited by the manufacturer, and is certified to BBA standard 97/3426.

For more information on insulating your home call the experts at Paul Kelly, Western Insulation on (087 ) 907816.


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