Irish men love their skin more than women!

Attitudes to skin vary dramatically between the sexes, that’s according to research carried out by Therapie Clinic. While almost all (82 per cent ) of Irish men embrace their natural skin, just over half (54 per cent ) of Irish women take the same approach. A solid third (36 per cent ) of Irish women avail of the ‘odd sunbed or ten’ and one-in-10 say then can’t live without their make-up, sunbeds, and tanning lotions.

In fact, over half of women (52 per cent ) admit they wait for two weeks before letting a new partner see their make-up free skin and almost one quarter (24 per cent ) wait two months. The same proportion (24 per cent ) of women say they will never let their partner see them without make-up at all.

More worryingly, almost a quarter (23 per cent ) of Irish have either experienced a skin health scare from using too many sunbeds, or know someone else who has experienced one.

Thérapie Clinic ambassador and top model, Roz Purcell, says: “Earlier in my career, I used to care so much what people thought of my appearance and was occasionally guilty of masking my natural skin. However the older and wiser I get, the more I realise I would rather be true to myself and my own appearance, than be someone I’m not. Now, when the camera stops rolling, I embrace my natural beauty.”

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