Westmeath is stir fry crazy!

Westmeath has shed its conservative taste palate in favour of more adventurous dishes with the stir fry becoming a firm staple in the Irish diet, according to a new survey from Florette, carried out by Empathy Research1.

One quarter of Westmeath adults surveyed (29 per cent ) said that a stir fry was their favourite dish and they cook the dish at least once a week. And 76 per cent of adults in Westmeath believe that the stir fry is one of the healthiest options when it comes to dinner choices, with eight out of 10 adults opting for a stir fry as the most convenient dish to cook.

The survey also gives an insight into Westmeath’s eating styles. Eating a meal without thinking or planning is how a third of Westmeath adults (32 per cent ) admit to eating their plate of food, while just over one fifth are more passionate about their food as they save the best piece till last! This sensual side is reflected in our other habits with just under one fifth of respondents admitting to enjoying a leisurely home prepared candlelit meal over an adventurous adrenaline filled date. It is interesting to note that this opinion is more prevalent among males (21 per cent ) compared to females (15 per cent ).

The Florette survey also reveals Westmeath’s sense of humour. When asked which personality they would most like to cook a meal for, 24 per cent of overall respondents said they would like to cook up a storm in the kitchen for Mrs Brown, though interestingly more females opted for Mrs Brown (30 per cent ) than males (21 per cent ). President Michael D Higgins was the second most popular person that respondents (17 per cent ) would like to cook for, voted equally by male and female respondents.


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