You can kick the smoking habit in just 90 minutes!

Due to ongoing public demand, the highly successful Geoff Anthony Stop Smoking Clinic returns to the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Sunday February 22 and the Creggan Hotel, Athlone on Monday February 23.

Geoff has conducted his award-winning ‘Easy Quit Smoking Programme’ for the last 12 years with a proven record of success.

Registration for the clinics is from 7.30-8pm, and the clinics start at 8pm.

The Geoff Anthony Stop Smoking Clinic, comes with a written guarantee. Geoff is so confident and committed to your success that in the unlikely event that you start smoking again, you will be admitted to any of his nationwide clinics within one year of attendance, free of charge.

Geoff’s system is a well-structured, tried and tested programme. The system is designed to eliminate the smoking habit in everyday life situations - in the morning, at work, when stressed, while driving, on the phone, having coffee, after a meal, even in the presence of smokers!

Will it work for me? Whether you are a light or heavy smoker, a casual or long-term smoker, smoke ‘regular’ or ‘electronic’ cigarettes, the Geoff Anthony stop smoking system is designed so you will leave the clinic as a non-smoker - with no irritability, stress, cravings, or weight gain!

For more information about the Geoff Anthony Stop Smoking Clinics and his ‘Easy Quit-Smoking Programme’, call (087 ) 6801314 or visit


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