€3,000 in sports grants for older people’s groups

Older people’s groups in Westmeath received a boost this week as they were allocated €3,325 by the Irish Sports Council towards sport and physical activity.

A total of six groups across the county are to benefit from the funding. The Forever Friends Tyrrellspass Active Retirement Association and the Killucan/ Raharney Cairde Group (Active Retirement Association ) are each to receive €450, while Active Friends 08, Rathowen ICA, and Durrow Active Retirement Group have each been allocated €475.

In addition Westmeath Older Peoples Forum is to receive funding of €1,000 under the scheme.

A total allocation of €350,000 is to be shared between 732 groups nationwide under the eighth Go for Life National Grant Scheme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People.

Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children with responsibility for Older People, Máire Hoctor, announced details of the allocations under the scheme, which aims to help local clubs and organisations increase opportunities for their older members to actively participate in recreational sport and a range of physical activities.

“This government is committed to making sure that people of all ages reap the social, physical, and psychological benefits of increased physical activity and the partnership between the Irish Sports Council and Age & Opportunity means that older people are very much on the national agenda for sport and physical activity,” said Deputy Hoctor.

This year over 1,000 applications were received from older people’s groups all over the country. The 723 successful applicants include active retirement associations, senior citizens clubs, ICA guilds, sports clubs, Local Sports Partnerships, day centres, and community centres across 26 counties. The grant aid is being used to buy sports equipment and to fund sport and activity programmes.

The grant scheme is administered by Go for Life – the National Programme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People. Developed by the Irish Sports Council and Age & Opportunity, Go for Life is a broad national programme which aims to involve more older adults in all aspects of physical activity more often – not only participating but also planning and leading.

Speaking at the announcement, John Treacy, chief executive of the Irish Sports Council, said: “We know that being physically active is probably the most important thing that any of us can do if we want to maintain our independence into older age. We are very keen to get the Go for Life message out so that more older people can benefit from the increasing opportunities to participate in all kinds of sport and physical activity.”

This latest allocation brings to €2.5 million the amount granted under this scheme to older people’s groups over the last eight years.

Chairman of Age & Opportunity, John Hynes, acknowledged the continued support of the Irish Sports Council for the initiative: “This partnership between Age & Opportunity and the Irish Sports Council is making a significant difference to the quality of life of many older people and we look forward to further strengthening our alliance as the Go for Life project continues to grow.”`


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