Writing the sacred journey

A new course - writing your spiritual autobiography - is starting on Friday October 4 at The Dancing Soul, Monksland.

As with journalling, writing autobiographically can give us a sense of theme and pattern in our lives. It’s the same with our spiritual side. Writing your spiritual autobiography can give you a good sense of the themes, people, events, which have shaped you from a spiritual perspective. It can also give you an idea as to which questions have pursued you.

If you were to say to yourself - this is what comes to mind when I reflect upon my life:

Significant decisions you have made

Significant events in your life

Experience of finding God in your life

Significant persons in your life

Significant turning points in your life

Life struggles and conflicts

Successes and failures

Talents and accomplishments

People whom you have learned from, taught you, helped you grow

Experience of prayer

Experiences of school, work, volunteering

Family frailties and weaknesses

The course is run for two and a half hours a week for a 10-week period and during this time you will be guided to write through exercises and experiments. Your spiritual autobiography can cover your entire life, or you can select several significant experiences and write about them in detail.

Facilitator Martina Breen has an MA in applied Christian spirituality and has a private psychotherapy practice.

For more information call The Dancing Soul, Athlone on (090 ) 6490607.


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