Free foot check clinic

During the summer months, Whelehans Pharmacy in Mullingar find that their chiropody services tend to get busier as people become more conscious of their feet.

As the sandals and flipflops come out for the good weather, people want to clear up unsightly or painful foot problems. To help in this regard, Whelehans Pharmacy is holding a second free foot check clinic next Tuesday August 13 when their chiropodist will be doing free foot checks and will diagnose and give advice on your foot problems. Call Whelehans to book for this free check; their chiropodist will be able to advise and tell you the best course of action for any foot problems.

There will be no treatment on the day (checks only ); however if it is discovered that you need treatment, their chiropodist will book you a chiropody appointment at a reduced rate. Whelehans regular chiropody clinic for adults and children takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They offer a reduced rate of €25 per treatment for over 60s.

What is a chiropodist?

A chiropodist assesses, diagnoses, and treats diseases and abnormalities of the feet and lower limbs. A chiropodist can significantly improve a person’s quality of life by alleviating painful symptoms and promoting and maintaining mobility.

Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Call (044 ) 9334591, see, or find on Facebook.


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