The link between fish oils and mood

There is evidence that omega 3 fatty acids supplementation might be helpful in cases of depression and anxiety. Studies report significant improvement in mood from omega 3 fatty acids supplementation when used alone or in conjunction with medication. Research has shown a link between the amount of fish people in different countries eat and the level of depression. In Japan, where people eat on average 70kg of fish a year, the rate of depression is 0.12 per cent. In New Zealand, where people eat only 18kg of fish a year, the rate of depression is almost 50 times higher.

According to pharmacist Eamonn Brady, omega 3 is thought to help your brain work more efficiently, so serotonin, which can boost your mood, has more of an effect on you. Research is ongoing.

A 2008 study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry showed that an omega 3 supplement called PlusEPA may be as effective as Prozac in reducing the symptoms of depression. When PlusEPAwas used in combination with anti-depressants, results were enhanced effectiveness of the anti-depressant. PlusEPA is a 95 per cent concentration of omega 3 containing a daily dose of 1000mg of EPA designed for emotional health. It is available from Whelehans Pharmacy.

While PlusEPA may aid symptoms, it should not be considered as a stand-alone treatment for depression and anxiety. It is not a substitute for proper psychological treatment like counselling or prescription medication. You should always speak to a health professional to discuss your options if suffering from depression and anxiety.

Get €5 off PlusEPA with Whelehans’ ad in the Advertiser. Ask their pharmacist how PlusEPA may form part of your regime if you’re battling depression, anxiety, stress, and worry.

€5 off Mood Boosting PlusEPA at Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591 or see


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