Second Slimming World opens in the Shamrock Lodge

When Pauline was pregnant with her second child she had major cravings for homemade scones. She loved to cook but baking was new to her and her first attempts weren’t great; however, she got better and soon started churning out carrot cakes, chocolate cakes, and cheesecakes, all made with real butter and cream! Needless to say she piled on the pounds and a year later, she found it hard as she was still using the baby weight excuse. She had gone up two dress sizes. She tried all sorts of diets but she said that she found them “too restrictive and boring”.

After last Christmas it all changed for Pauline. She went to stay with her friend Kate, and was very impressed with how well and trim her friend looked. She was more amazed, when, at the end of a weekend of delicious cooking, Kate told her that they had only been eating meals that followed her new diet at Slimming World.

In January, Pauline located her nearest Slimming World group, which was in Longford. To date, Pauline has lost nearly three stone. With the Slimming World plan, Pauline eats far more now than she ever did and the whole family enjoys delicious home cooked food without even knowing it is prepared the Slimming World way. She even started baking again, using the Slimming World Love Desserts cookbook as a guide.

Pauline was so impressed with this new way of eating which the whole family enjoys that she has trained as a Slimming World consultant. She opened her first group in July of this year in The Bounty function room on the Coosan Road, Athlone. Since then the class has gone from strength to strength and now she has classes at 3.30pm, 5.30pm, and 7.30pm on Wednesdays. Her groups are doing really well, and everyone is delighted with their weightloss to date. The three groups are so packed-out that Pauline has now decided to open a group in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel.

The opening night will be held on Thursday January 3 at 7.30pm and will run every Tuesday evening thereafter.

Pauline has lots of members and has even won an award from the Slimming World group for her great classes.

If anyone is interested in joining, come along any Wednesday to the Buccaneers Rugby Club or call Pauline on (087 ) 1878701.


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