Foods that improve your circulation

Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: cold hands, pins and needles in hands and feet, numbness, varicose veins, leg cramps, heavy feeling in the limbs, or swollen ankles?

Pharmacist Eamonn Brady from Whelehans in Mullingar explains that our diet influences our circulation, so changes in your diet can help prevent many of the symptoms of poor circulation.

Foods that improve circulation

Fruits and vegetables of any kind are good for your health, particularly oranges which contain high levels of bioflavonoids to promote blood flow while also strengthening capillaries.

Watermelon is a natural source of lycopene, which has been known to help prevent plaque build-up, a common hindrance to blood flow, to help promote healthy circulation.

Nuts are rich in vitamin B3, which helps boost blood flow.

Garlic helps promote circulation.

Avoid saturated and trans fats, and sugary drinks such as cola.

Omega 3s found in fish improve circulation, especially oily fish such a salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, and pilchards. We should eat two portions of fish per week, one of them oily.

Checking your circulation

The consultant uses a BPro Cardio Screen which measures cardio pulse wave (CPW ) which determines the health of your arteries for your age based on their elasticity. In simple terms, it measures the ‘age of our heart’. It only takes the consultant a couple of minutes to measure your CPW; it is very simple, completely pain-free, and is now only €35. Call Whelehans to book your check-up.

Zinopin - a new circulation boost

Zinopin Daily is a new circulation-boosting daily supplement available through Whelehans Pharmacy. It helps maintain healthy leg vein circulation, and reduce the discomfort and symptoms associated with vascular diseases including broken capillaries, varicose veins, thrombosis, leg ulceration, ankle swelling, leg heaviness, tingling in the legs, and burning pain.

Zinopin contains natural ingredients which have been shown to help prevent blood getting sticky which can lead to clots and reduce swelling of the lower limbs without the risks of gastro-intestinal bleeding from aspirin or side effects from other prevention therapies. Zinopin is a natural supplement so is not meant as a substitute for proper medical assessment with your doctor, and should not replace prescription medication.

Get €4 off Zinopin with the Whelehans ad in this section of the Advertiser. Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591 or see


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