Indulge your senses

Have you noticed how a fragrance can transport you back to an earlier time? The influence of scent on behaviour is explained by the fact that the sense of smell is the only one of our five senses that does not directly reach our consciousness.

When we breathe in a fragrance, it is perceived by our unconscious mind, the part of the brain where our emotions are located and where memory is formed. This explains why merely smelling a perfume evokes memories.

Roger&Gallet’s new Fleur d’Osmanthus Beauty Oil is a multi-sensory skincare in a deliciously velvety dry formula, with active ingredients apricot kernel oil, sesame oil, and sweet almond oil.

Indulge your senses and uplift your spirit with this moisturising, nourishing, and uplifting body oil.

Available now in selected pharmacies.


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